1 day left
the question of the day: if you read this, you must comment.
If you had 1 day left to live, what would you do?
mine would involve, france, elvis, and cake.
This is your life - are you who you want to be?
the question of the day: if you read this, you must comment.
i love a good 3 day weekend! even thought its so hard to go back after no work for 3 days!
im hungry. tomorrow i have a busy morning.
fun weekend. interesting weekend. saturday i woke up, ran an easy 6 miles, then met my old roomie for some lunch with some american guy. she was very insistant for me to join her on this lunch rendez vouz, so i accepted and soon found out why. hes a single 47 year old american guy. who, in my opinion, had a crush on my 25 year old friend. so i helped her put an end to that one. life rough when you have hot friends and you have to protect them. if you need protecting, apply within
I am a marathon runner. my training has paid off! i had a personal best! i shaved 11 minutes off my best time. (my previous best time was 3 years ago-columbus marathon- at 4:26) well say hello to a speedy 4 hours and 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! no walking. no pain. no lack of energy! i felt great. i finished strong and even had minimal pain after the finish. even monday and tuesday, i was up jumping and playing with the little kids.
tomorrow is ibigawa marathon! today i did a big fat nothing. it was boring. no plans. it was not fun, but oh well, hopefully ill run well due to resting. i dont have very high hopes for this race as it climbs 700 meters abouve sea level a few times. hahah i havent trained on any hills. oh well
most days of the week, i live the life of a retiree(until i leave for work) I wake up at 6, i eat breakfast, i clean a bit (sometimes), i run and go tot he gym, where i hang out with all my retired friends and chat about the weather and alligators. then i come home, eat lunch and then my retirement for the day is over. my point is, i rarely see people my age during the week (excluding rachael)
halloween at the english school consisted of me wearing a jack-o-lantern costume and playing games with the kiddies. it was a fun week, and a nice break from the normal class activities. the kid in the angel picture made me laugh. in fact he's the opposite of his costume.
so my my told me that she sponsored me for my race this weekend, so i owe it to her to write a blog. if you did sponsor me, please let me know since apparently it doesnt show up on the website.