The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Monday, January 10, 2011

time to start posting again

wow.... november 30th was the last time i posted. i guess it is time for an update.

december was a busy month, full of baking, a church christmas outreach, the ekiden, and christmas shopping. Somehow i managed to survive until the 23rd when my 2 week break started. Hiro got pneumonia and was out of commission for a week or so. we got to stay inside and watch lots of movies on the projector that i borrowed from school. It turned out to be a really nice, relaxing, good quality time 2 weeks.

on January 2, Rach and i went to franc franc to get a fukubukuro. A happy lucky bag. Many stores sell them and you may or may not know what is inside. All i knew was anything from franc franc would be good. we got there and found a line and an hour left till the store opened. rach went across the street and got 2 coffees and we were good to go!

We had a few game days at a friends house. Catan, Dominion, and lots of chatting and snacks. I really love my friends here and it will be really sad to leave them.

We have set a month. we will leave in may. so soon! Lots of things will be happening in the next few months. My replacement will start feb 1st. Rach and Jenny will move out of the kasugai apt early march. i will finish working the end of march.

We have been looking at potential places to live and work in california. It is going to be a scary move, but a good adventure. I am so thankful to be doing it with Hiro.

I've still been cooking a lot. I really enjoy it. I made shepherds pie yesterday and have big plans for some salmon, scallops and pasta this week.

Its really cold now, and i have lost a lot of motivation to run, or leave the house. I need to get moving because i need to try and register my bike, then head tot he gym for yoga and running. then work.

55 more working days to go! wow!

hopefully ill try to keep this more updated now that i have gotten into a routine.


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