The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Monday, November 26, 2007

seriously fun weekend

i love a good 3 day weekend! even thought its so hard to go back after no work for 3 days!

heres what i did: (pics will come eventually, they are all on rach's camera)


i woke up at 6. left at 7. met my friend at 8 at the race registration area. hung at at mcdonalds drinking coffee for a couple of hours before our race. ran 10 km. i helped my friend (she just started running this year, and i am her running coach) she rocked. she busted out a 58 minute 10km!!! yeah for her! then i headed back to the apt to clean and get stuff ready for the 14 people who were coming over for thanksgiving.

everyone came. so much fun. seriously some of my favorite people in japan were there! such great times. good food. my japanese grandparents came over, my favorite family-with the 3 kids came, tomoko, midori, kanako, and rexy. so much fun! we played some intense games of uno!

saturday i got up, ran 17.5 miles. i found a huge huge huge cemetary park and ran all around it and all over kasugai (when you run for almost 3 hours, you can see a lot of a town) then i came back, showered, relaxed and then headed to my second thanksgiving party of the weekend.

it was nice. the food was amazingly good. fun people. played apples to apples. then i came home

sunday, i went to church, then after we had lunch and then i headed out to sujung and jessicas place. helped cook a bit (mostly talked and washed dishes) we had a great dinner and lots of laughs. rc for life. then we watched a korean drama. it was kinda late, but thankfully, rexy boy drove me home.

this morning, i woke up on the wrong side of the futon. i was in a bad mood. i didnt even like hanging out with myself. so i procrastinated doing everything. finally i took the garbage out and was gonna head to the gym, when i couldnt find my bike. ugh, i thought to myself, its at the bike parking (since rexy drove me home, and i didnt come back by train) so i just went back upstairs to my appartment, angry and frustrated and in an even worse mood. so i took out my bible. i spent an hour or so just clarning my head and talking to the big man upstairs. then i went out ofr a run, ended it at the station, got my bike, and then i was a lettle better, but still it was a monday. so i showered, went tot work and by the time i came home, i was much better.

tonight rach and i had our bible study. it was good. just what i needed. now im just gonna head off to bed and hope for a better morning....i have to run 11 miles. ugh. hahah it was easier to do in the summer when i didnt just want to stay all cozy in my bed....oh well... only a few months...


At November 29, 2007 9:23 AM, Blogger Cara said...

Hi Jen, how's it going?? Ok here. Tired day and a "wrong side of the futon" day. But things are good overall. We got your card, thanks! Talk to you soon

At November 30, 2007 7:56 AM, Blogger Cara said...

encore moi! Jen, est-ce que tu as des conseils pour des sites à utiliser pour des leçons d'écoute et de conversation en anglais pour une lycéenne qui parle déjà assez bien? Je veux lui faire écouter des infos, des trucs cool pour les jeunes, etc., et puis on discutera. J'ai eu un peu de mal aujourd'hui parce qu'elle ne disait pas grand chose apres qu'on avait lu. Merci si tu as des idées! bises


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