The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Friday, February 23, 2007

good things come to those who wait...

its been awhile. i know. sorry. life has been kind of crazy. lastt weekend, i went to mie prefecture to visit a friend. we had some fun times and got to do a lot. ill put some pictures up later-not tonight as its already 3am and i am running 19 miles just blogging because i am waiting for my laundry to finish washing so i can hang it to dry so i have a towel to use tomorrow. anyways, back to the point. i went friday night to my friends place. about 10 min after i arrived, we went to the onsen-hot spring and hung outside in the hot pools of water-with no bathing suits. pretty relaxing. and fun to be outide in cold cold weather but in the hot water. they had so many different little pools of water and we tried almost all of them. we stayed till about 3am then went back to her house. we chatted then went to bed.

saturday we got up, i ran 10 miles (renelda, my friend, biked alongside. talk about a nice friend!! then we cleaned up and went to a city named Ise (ee-say) there we saw many famous things. there are these rocks with roped tied around them and they are really famous. i ate ise ramen. and it was really rainy, but renelda's friend had a car! bonus.

then we came back and we made nabe (nah-bay) its like a hot pot of vegetables and we put chicken inside. basically boiled vegetables-party style. our other friend simien came over and we had a good old time eating and playing settlers of catan and dutch blitz until 3ish.

sunday we got up, went to japanese church, came back took a nap and then went to bilingual church. then it was time for me to go back home.

this week was a long week. i ran and worked out a lot (i made a few new friends at the gym) and i worked a lot. thursday and friday i stayed late. ive also been watching some videos on teaching strategies and this sunday im goign to a seminar. at least its interesting to me.

hmmm what else can i update you all on...oh yeah-i stopped eating cakes, cookies and candies... i have 7 weeks until the marathon. i have to be serious now. so i stopped. 5 days now! today i had no problem passing up donuts and cake. ive been eating vegetables and fruits a lot. and drinking a lot of water.

which brings me to my next story....just becasue it looks like chicken-doesnt mean it is chicken. thats right. read it again. i bought some "chicken" at the grocery store the other day and tonight i went to cook it with some onions, tomatoes and garlic, and when i took the first bite, i relized that i dont think it was chicken. i have o idea what it was- so i looked on the package-i couldnt read it- thats not a good sigh-i can read the work chicken in japanese.... so i gave up and didnt eat it.

ugh why oh why did i decide to put my laundry in the washing machine at 2:30??????? crazy girl.

well im off to try and get reay for bed. long day tomorrow. lets hope it doenst rain!


At February 23, 2007 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have to ask somebody who can translate what the chicken stuff really is! I have to know! did you eat the rest of it??

At February 23, 2007 9:27 PM, Blogger Jen Eureka said...

haha, actually i ate abut half, but i already threw away the package... maybe ill ask someone at the steore next time....

if you come visit, ill cook it for you!!!! hahahaha


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