The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Friday, July 29, 2005

last night in athens...for awhile

so its almost 1 am andit has been a great day. after work, chuck and i walked to walmart to get a few things i needed. then we went to radio shack to get an adapter, the guy who works at the athens radio shackis pretty darngood looking so next time antone needs to go to radio shack, take me along.

after radio shack we went to chucks place and made dinner with kana kanako and alex. then we watched the movie lost in translation... seemed appropriate.

now i am back with kana and i have so much to get accomplisehd before i leave the US. its tough enough planning one trip abroad, but i am planning one trip and one move abroad within 3 weeks of eachother...

got to focus....

tonightwas thelast ngiht inathens for awhile. kinda sad but also kindaexciting. in 3 days ish i should be in JAPAN.

tomorrow i will go to columbus, stay with my stepsister and her husband then sunday i willstay with CARA who rocks my world and possiblt see tim boggs, dana sanders, heather h.kate shippley, andsome others. s o cool cool cool

orshould isay segoi?

out for now. fun updates ahead

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Peking night

do they have a peking express in france haha. i love chinese food. especially $3.50 chinese food. evenmore soeating with all my freinds each thursday. i think ive only missed like 2 thursday nights since peking opened. well tonight is my last one for awhile.

i would like to take the time to list my favorite places in athens:

in no particular order:

peking express
the big chimney baking company
the purple chopstix
radar hill
east green
travis' place - especially with the kitty
Mollica Gall Sloan and Sillery
baker center basement
front room

ok i am sure there are more but its peking time ya'll

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

5ish days

so i only have about 5 or so days till i leave for japan. thats so awesome, but bizarre at the same time. i will be traveling around aichi prefecture like crazy and catching up with so many friends. i am so happy. but it will be strange to come back to athens where everythign is so different and everyone will be gone. hey at least i get to come back and see those who are left for a few weeks.

only 2 more days of work till i leave. then i go to columbus and i will get to see cara! yeah. i like that girl. shes engaged now to one of the coolest people ever. that makes me happy.

lets see what else... i dont know.. i just work each day and play every night. i am in book 5 of the chronicles of narnia series. if you havent read it yet, do it do it do it! its great. my goal is to read it all before i leave for japan. soooo... yeah ill be a reading fool for the next 2 days.

i dont even know if anyone reads this but i will have to send out an email so people can keep up to date with my adventures. i dont knwo if i will be able to update this once i am in japan or not, but ohwell..


Monday, July 25, 2005

here i come

HotDog. i am placed in marseille in the 10 arrondissment. this is awesome. i finally know where i will be in oct. also even cooler, i am pretty close to raquel... another girl who is going from OSU and we are flying to france together, we are in the same town... i am probbaly like 10 min from her... so now i am happy. and i need to buy my ticket to chicago for sept/

its a good day/ although tonight i need to practice being japanese and sleep with out any circulating cool air. its badfor you ya know.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

last weekend in athens....for awhile

well i would like to say thi shas been a great weekend. i started hout cat/housesitting which was good. ilove free laundry, air conditioning, a car and getting paid towatch a cute little kitty. friday nght i went to bed early becasue i needed to get up early ( uhhi intended to go to bed early but really went to bed at 12:30 duue to being obssessed with the chronicles of narnia) then i wke up at 4:30 and then i wnnt tobromley to go to cbus with the chubu students to send them home to japan... sad but ok since iwill see them in a week! then last ngiht chuck, jake, jakesfriend dave, kana, kanako, travyand jessie and i went to see weddign crashers...........big mistake.. not a good movie at all... lets just talk about making objects out of wasnt worth the $$ to see it. yes there were funny paarts but over all it was a huge let down. then i went to bed.

this mornign woke up anddwent to church then off to donkey with chuck then off to cbus to get a new set of chubu studnets. my life wouldnt be complete with out chubu students...

aparently i am famous in japan. they all know me from previous students and i was also in the japanese newspaper and tonight we were sittiing around eating pizza when one of the girls was like.... i kmnow you... you were in japanese newspaper...this wasfollowed by a few minutes of AHHHyes ahhhhhhhhh yes you in newspaper we know you... how cute.

i cant wait to go to japan.
i babysit tomorrow and tues. lets hope for ssun to go to the pool! rockin
i lovesummer

Thursday, July 21, 2005


played soccer, my team lost... its ok...we hadfun... then off to casa with jason and jake to have $2 margaritas and gross beer that jakedrinks. then we saw joe and chrissy then greg booth. i like him. then travy, chuck, midori andjason. then jake played and pretty much rocked. maybenext time he will let me play the harmonica with him.

i want to get my nose pierced

maybe this week

night y'all

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

time's a flyin

Holler tout le monde. Its already the 20th. this is insane. i leave in exactly 2 months from today for france. i bought my ticket yesterday. i cant wait! i leave for japan in like 11 days. i still have to get stuff figured out about where i am staying. if i dont make it back from japan, its because i got lost on a train or something.

This wekend i am house sitting and i will baby sit on this friday, monday and tuesday instead of being at the law office. sad i know.. but if its nice, that means i can go to the POOL with the kids. thats rough. i love the odd jobs i get from working at the law office. part of me wishes i could work here for ever.. its so wonderful and i love the people i work with and i liek what i do. but considering i have $22,250 in loans, i should probably raise my standards to find a job making more than $6 per hour. so far, i have succeeded. in france i will be making 15 euros an hour.. which is like $18.... the c atch is that i only work 12 hours a week. hahah.oh well...

tonight is soccer night at 7:30. i have a newfound love for soccer. i never played before this summer... turns out its a pretty fun time. then its up to casa for the $2 margaritas with jake, jason, and n'importe qui d'autre qui veut venir.

well i am out. lets hope for sun on friday monday and tuesday!

Jim leaves friday, the chubu students leave sat. at least i will get to go visit them en japon!

Saturday, July 16, 2005


i love weekends in the summer when i have nothing to do.this morning, kana and iwoke up at 8:30. she was supposed to get up at 7:30. i am a bad alarm clock person. then she went to the farmers market and i did some misc. errands then went to the farmers market with jason hoshower and his mom.

then i came back took a nap and read my bible. then i went to bromley to visit some of my favorite japanese students. by the time i was leaving it was POURING. so i waited a few min. it didnt let up... so i said to myself.. who cares... youre not doing anything today...why not have an adventure. so i went out and faced the torrential elements. it was fun. got back to the apt and changed.

then i organized some stuff. now i am sitting here. i love my life in the summer. i really want some candy...i may go get some later.

at least now athens is cooler and more bearable.

tonight ill go to jasons and watch the sandlot with some others..should be fun

still havent received my darn arrete for moving to france. i just want to know what town i will be living in... i am trying to be patient.. i dont think its working

a bientot!

Friday, July 15, 2005

this post goes out to jason hoffman

yes jason this one is for you. i have been putting this off for a long time and i was excited that you asked me about it, so i decided....better late than never.

so now i am in athens./ and after a long 5 week battle and a triamphant loss to katies dogs, i am living with kana. i like kana. she rocks my world. she even lets me share a bed with her so the cockroaches dont crawl in my ears (disclaimer: she is the cleanest person i know, the cockraoches are from other tenants in this old building)

i have an ear infection and my face hurts. i am on medicine.. 95$ to go the thedr. without insurance... at least he gave me free drugs.

an update: I am leaving aug 1 for japan. returnign to the US on the 22 to florida till the 27. then i will be back.. yes thats right folks. back to athens till approx the 20th of sept. then i head off to france.

i love not being a student anymore. i love the summer evenmore. i love thateven though i work 40hours a week, i still have so much free time

movies you should go watch right now...seriously now... a very long engagement, and motorcycle diaries.

i hope it rains tonight. i like rain..especially when it cools things down.
well lets hope i continue this motivation to update this more periodically. intrinsically motivated next time.

till then. hang tough.