The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

my water broke

this morning, i got up and peed. flushed, and the toilet made a horrible sound. i stared at it, and then didnt worry. later, rach was brushing her teeth and the water stopped. no more water. hmmmm... wait a bit, then the water works a little. then stops.

so rach and i left the house and ran some errands.

then we came back.. rach used the toilet. made a terrible noise. so i sucked it up and went to the neighbors apartment. i had to ring the intercom bell. heres the conversation (in japanese) (n=neighbor, j=jen)

n: yes
j; hi, i live next door... uhhhh
n: wait a minute

she comes to the door.

j: my water is a little problem
n:oh mine too. blah blah blah blah i called someone and there is a problem with the tank and may last 2 or 3 days. blah blah blah. do you have any water
j: we have water sometimes. the toilet is bad. tank has a problem? many people in apartment have water problems? did you call a water person (i didnt know how to say plumber, so i said water person)
n:no, i didnt call the water person, i called apartment owner. here is the number.

then other questions about our water problems were discussed and i went back home. rach will be smelly for a few days. i can shower at the gym.

so lets hope we can solve this problem (and then solve my apt rent problem of i did something wrong this morning and pushed the wrong button and i dont know if the money transferred or not...... ugh. what a wednesday morning. AND ITS RAINING! but the good new is, one of the grocery stores near our house has a great wine selection and good prices. plus we went to starbucks.

now its off to work... lets hope for water when we come home...


At January 28, 2008 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Jen!...Happy New Year--Bon Annee---from the DiBlasi's, Tony and Judy...We were checking Cara's Blog and 'looked' in on yours...Sounds like your adventures continue! ...Tooo bad about your water breaking!...When I told Jenny...she said "What?!!...I didn't know she was pregnant!"...Ha!...then I explained to her that it was your apartment plumbing!...Hope that it gets fixed soon! ---Things are good here. Sometimes cold/snow/5 degrees(last week)...sometimes(today) sunny and warm(40 degrees!!!) Going to get Thunder storms tomorrow!!!...Only in OHIO!!!...what a winter!---Talked to Cara today!...we talked for an hour!---good that she can call here for free... stay Well!!!---The DiBlasi's


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