The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

finally, an update from jen.

good things come to those who wait. unfortunately this isn't one of those times....

i finished up a good rest of my winter vacation. here's the summary.

last friday i spent the day emailing people and then went out with some friends to a moroccan restaurant. the food was amazingly good. the company was nice. but the best part was the belly dancing entertainment. "she performed for about 10 minutes, then the music started skipping and they gave up. about 20 minutes later, they ask if we want them to try to continue.. someone at our table said yes.... so we watched the belly dancer.. we were convinced that SHE was a HE. for the rest of the night we were convinced until one of our friends went to the bathroom and heard her talking.

Sat, i spent the day with the grandparents. fun times, good food, good conversation.... then they came to church with me on sunday! God is good!

back to school. back to school to prove to dad im not a fool. so i started working monday again. it was rough to start again... its been a long week. im tired. nothing interesting happened. but today is friday! YEAH!!!! tomorrow i run 15 miles, then meet leslie and hisashi for lunch and stuff, then sunday is the kasugai 10km.

i like the show "heroes" im addicted. tonight i should have a new greys anatomy. we'll see if that happens...

wednesday i went into town to meet a friend to play tennis. despite thinking that i'd still be decent, turns out tennis is NOT like riding a bike, and i was horrible.......but thankfully, my friend is still my friend.

yeah for friday,


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