hard work
teaching is hard. teaching at a private school is hard. at least kids at public schools cant quit. i cant help but feel responsible when kids quit. i mean i try really hard. i try to be fun and likeable and a good teacher, but i guess i cant win them all. id say 70 percent of my classes are good. i am learning a lot and getting more experience everyday, but i still think i have a lot of room for improvement.
today, my first 3 classes were excellent. no problems. fun learning times. the classes flew by and my students and i were all surprised when the class was over. however, the last 2 classes dragged on. then after work, my boss told me that one of the studnts (a differnt day) was complaining to his mom about how the class was boring and didnt think the new teacher was fun.
in his defense, ok i sometimes the class is boring
in my defense, i think he has come 1 time while i was teaching.
what i think- he just doesnt like english and this gives him a good excuse to get his mom to let him quit.
but i cant help but take it personally. i want to be a good teacher, but its hard. i get worn out. the bad attitudes of some of the students make it difficult to make the class fun. i have a lot to learn....
thankfully my boss is really hlpful and encouraging. she helps me if i ever need it. but still i cant help but worry...november is the time when the parents come to see the classes... the other teacher has already been here several years... they dont want to see her classes... they are going to want to see the new teacher's class...
i miss teaching in france where my students liked me and were excited to come to class. they tried hard and they were good.
sorry to vent.. i like my job.. its just difficult. my boss says it takes 3 months to connect with the students. i have been teaching alone for a little over 2 months.. hopefully these next 3 weeks make a difference. it really makes me not want to have children. i know parenting has to be harder than teaching and i give credit to all those parents who may read my blog.
on a happier note, ive promised some people tha i would put pictures up. while i forget the order, here are some explaiations. the ones on the street are of me wlking home from the station.
the one of the women on the building is a russian hostess club on my road.
the candy and junk food are of random things valerie and i bought at the convinence store.
some of the crazy ones are of me and my roommate
the 2 last ones are so you dont forget what i look like.

my good roommate from sophomore year spring quarter, mika-my first japanese roommate- came to visit me yesterday and today. we had fun catching up! i love that girl!!! this weekend is a 3 day wekend! yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive gotten hooked on a few tv shows thanks to itunes. i watch Eureka! three moons over (i forget), and random other shows that itunes gives randomly free downloads
ok off to bed.
friend, and former roommate:
no one, I repeat, no one could forget your beautiful face. Your roommate in france misses you and your extrovertness. So the apartment is pretty lonely with just me. Hey, you know those two side windows (next to the big ones in the living room) the ones we thought were painted shut, well i opened them today. I got out some pliers and pulled really hard. I was so proud of myself. loveyou and miss you
i love how only 2 of the pictures of you are normal faces!! that's my jan!! hope everything else in your life is going really well. i was thinking about you the other day when i was trying to come up with ideas for a sweet video that would become very popular. have you seen the "hips don't lie" fat guy video?? if not, google: hips don't lie fat guy.
your most loyal blog reader,
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