The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

world wide half marathon

so when i run i listen to music and pod casts. over the past 2 years of running, i've grown quite attached to a certain running pod cast called phedippidations. i like the humor, the stories, the information and the encouragement. its like having a friend out with me running. i'm so nerdy that i even have the podcaster as my friend on facebook.

anyways, through this pod cast, there is a world wide half marathon (zen run 10km and kick the couch 5km) basically its a weekend that everyone runs the same time, thus making it a world wide event.

i ran it last year. i ended up running about 15 miles instead of the 13.1 due to being lost in the middle of nowhere. but it was really fun and encouraging to know that other people were out there running all around the world with me.

well its coming up again. and friends, lets do it together. all my running friends around the world. lets do it. encourage one another and be united even if we are far apart. lets be a part of something bigger.

so the weekend of october 11 and 12, lets do it. go to the link above and sign up. its quick and you can chose the distance. 13.1 miles, 6.2 or 3.1.

if you do decide to sign up, let me know!!! join my team. EUREKA!
and if you aren't an athlete, be an athletic supporter!


At July 12, 2008 1:44 PM, Blogger Cara said...

Hi Jen! Just wanted to say hi since I've been invisible, but reading your blog as always! I'm looking into this marathon- I thought it was funny that there were only two people in all of Japan, including you! But then I saw that if I signed up, I'd be the only one in France! :) Sounds fun. I've been running more, over an hour now. haha you know, like your shortest run maybe... You are a workout machine! I can't keep up.

Well I hope we can talk soon. Have a good weekend and happy Bastille Day!


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