The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Friday, March 30, 2007

oh....those students

i had a worksheet with 5 words in a row, students had to pick which one doesnt belong and why. here is the funniest thing of the day.

american, canada, mexico, panama, columbia.

one student got it right... however one girl was clueless... i explained, "i'm american...what are you?" this is her answer. no joke. "i'm japanican" the rest of us laughed and she was laughing but laughed even harder when she realized what she said. I told her "no, youre japanese" and we all had a good old laugh. i hope you laugh too...but with her, not at her.

i was a slacker at the gym. i only did my yoga class.... then i came back to my place and lounged around. but i think i just needed sme rest. so hopefully tomorrow im good to go for 15 miles! WHOOOHOOOOOO

last night/this morning there was a thunderstorm. i was peacefully dreaming when all of a sudden i jumped straight up. my dream had soemthing to do with kayla, china, and a bombing. i swear this thunder sounded like an exploision and i woke up thinking kayla had been blown up. fortunatly it was just a thunderstorm and shes fine- ( i just called her and shes having a gold old time in sakae.)


At March 30, 2007 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've heard that laughing burns a lot of calories, so being a slacker isn't such a big deal when you are around kids a lot... especially, from what it sounds like, the kids that you are around! If I was in Japan I could be a guest in your class someday and I could teach them cool words... I would love it!

At March 30, 2007 6:57 PM, Blogger Jen Eureka said...

ill be waiting! come on over. im sure the kids would love you. you would make a good human jungle gym. haha

At March 31, 2007 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's funny because i just wrote in my blog about how it seldom thunders in japan. we've been having crazy rain the past few days. ganbatte on your marathon!


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