The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Monday, August 06, 2007


when i was little, i would get so excited for christmas that i would actually throw up. this is why i cant start packing yet for my trip to the US. if i see my suitcase, i may have a happiness overload and i will be worthless for the next few days. (i probably wont throw up)

so many things to do beofre i leave.

1. clean
2. highlight my hair
3. pack
4. get some last minute gifts
5. email people (cause ive been horrible at that)
6. exchange money

so after 21 hours of work, 4 more hours at the gym, 2 more hours of french time, 3 more dinners, ill be getting on a plane to go back to the homeland for 8 glorious days (dont get me wrong, i like japan, but i need this vacation and time to see my fam and friends.)


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