The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Monday, July 23, 2007

ready or not, here comes summer!

3....2.....1..... and its hot hot hot! lets see.... last saturday was rainy, but i went on a 7 miles run nonetheless. nice and cool! then i got ready, and went with my roommate and met up with yuki for a cup of coffee and a chat, then headed to one of my favorite families in japans house. it was good to see sayuri and her family again. (i may have explained how i knw them before, but here it is again. sayuri's yonger brother studied abroad at OU and i was friends with him and when i came to japan, he introduced me to his sis and then i met the whole fam.) we had a good time eating and talking. sunday morning we got up and went to get morning set (breakfast and coffee for 380). on the way we stopped and saw some sumo wrestlers practicing (there was a sumo tourney in nagoya) and so i got to see some real live sumo wrestlers. then we ate. then they dropped me off at church. church was nice. then lunch at my favorite restaurant in japan (u should know by now) and then i hung out with some friends at starbucks for a few hours.

then i went back to kasugai and went to tomokos house for dinner. it was so nice. i really like her and her family too. so much fun. we had do-it-yourself sushi! yum!! so i got to speak a lot of japanese this weekend!!!!

monday was good. uneventful. work work work. this morning i got up early and went to get morning set with some of my old people friends. i like them. its been awhile since ive hung out with them. im really getting good at practicing for retirement. then i went to the gym. i am trying to push it this last week, i have to run 25 more miles to make it to 100 this month... i should make it, but its going to be close!

i leave in 17 days for the US! i am so stinkin excited! i cant wait to hang out with people, see everyone and eat mexican food. and shop. and read everything,

well i need to go get ready for work.

i want summer vacation!


At July 24, 2007 1:11 PM, Blogger Cara said...

Oh yikes, ive gotten so behind on your blog! I have like 6 entries to catch up on! So I havent read them yet, but I hope you're doing well! I can't wait to see you! Im just looking at my RSVP list and realize that i never confirmed with you that you can of course bring a guest! So just let me know if you will be 2 at the wedding. See you soon! Sayonara


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