The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

techincal difficulties

my brain is experiencing technical difficulties. yesterday i met my french conversation guy at starbucks. as i was talking to him, my brain didnt know what language it needed to use to order. then after almost 2 hours of talking, we headed out and he needed me to try and help him with some ticket problem. so i ran up to the japanese guy at the station and opened my mouth and i realized my brain had no idea what language was supposeed to come out. but somehow i managed.

fast forward to this morning entering the gym. i gave a big jolly "Good morning" before i realized that i should have said it in japanese. everyone looked at me funny and then i realized what i had just done. so i went to the locker room only to bump into a woman accidentally and what did i say??? "pardon" ---yes, french... then i followed that up with "sorry" then i just shut my mouth.

but on a positive note, i went out to dinner with my roommate and the waiter at the restaurant told me my japanese was good and we carried on a nice little conversation for a few minutes. its times like those that im enocouraged to keep on studying......

on that note... im off to study.

side note: if someone wants to promote birth control, i could loan you a few of my students....


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