The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Friday, June 02, 2006


I GAVE BLOOD TODAY for the first time in my life! my mom called me up to her store becuase there was a bloodmobile outside and we wanted to go, although we werent sure if i was allowed since just got back from france. so i talked to the guy outside recruting people for awhile. he was really nice. he grew up in kenya and then studied in the UK and now he is in florida.

so my mom and i went into the bus. i was nervous, but i filled out the paperwork. then the lady took me into the little room to check my blood pressure and other stuff. i was scared. i had no idea when they were goign to start taking my blood. so the whole time i am jumping whenever they make a sudden motion.

well they dont draw your blood in the little room, you lay on one of the chair things. (i always though that those were for those who pass out) and the guy who is drawing my blood is really funny. he is telling jokes the whole time, putting me at ease. well then my mom is in the little room and she cant hold my hand for the needle entering my body part, so her boss comes over and holds my hand and talks to me. that helped a lot.

so finally the needle is in, and the guy is telling me to keep squeezing the thing he put in my hand, and so i am squeezing a ton. and i am getting tired of doing it. well like 3 min later i ask if i have to keep pumping this thing and he looks at the bag thats almost full and says " no! haha only every 5-10 seconds." so there i am working out, pumping my blood out like its my job. and then its finished.

the guy takes the blood bag and leaves the rest in my arm. "thanks for coming! come back in 3 months..." and walks away. and so i started joking about how i was going to tell everyone that i really just wanted a sticker to proove that i gave blood but they ran out, so i just kept the needle inside my body.... haha. so at this point we are all laughing and me and the guy taking my blood keep making jokes and my mom is laughing really hard.

so i gave blood and i am really happy. it was something on my list of things to do before i die.

tonight is my last night in florida with my mom :( so we went with some of her friends and had a drink at ruby tuesdays. then we came back and she made me pancakes! i love my moms pancakes. then she helped me hem my pants! thanks mom.

so this is my last post from florida. tomorrow i'll be in virginia beach!

oh yeah i forgot to mention that my bandage on my arm after giving blood was pink! yeah that was great!

i have 2 more books to finish tonight.. a nicholas sparks book and a dostoevsky book. could they be any more different?


At June 04, 2006 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

giving blood gets easier everytime. i am nearing a gallon but have a long way to go since my dad is over 13 gallons. keep it coming and ill see you in ohio.



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