The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

halloween stories

Its that time again! that wonderful time of the year when i have my jr high and high school students write stories about halloween. i come up with the title and they each write 1 sentence and pass is to the next person, until the paper fills up. its always fun to see how creative the students cant be!


The moldy monster

once upon a time there was a moldy monster.
he was sad because he didnt have any friends.
so he wanted to die.
but he couldnt die.
so he tried to make friends.
but he couldnt make friends.
he decided to find some friends on the internet.
he found another moldy friend and they were happy.
the smelly cat

once upon a time there was a smelly cat.
he wanted friends.
he decided to go shopping for some perfume.
he bought a very strong perfume.
he became a good smelling cat.
but the perfume was very very strong so he couldnt make friends.
he went the trip to look for good smelling perfume.

the scary witch

once upon a time, there was a scary witch.
she was 100 years old.
she liked to eat people.
sometimes, she went to a city to get people.
one day she came to kasugai to find some delicious high school students to eat.
and a person call kazuki was gotten. (kazuki is a boy in the class)
but kazuki won.
the world became peaceful.

there are more to come.

weve been halloween partying this week at KIS. fun games, cute crafts and fun times. ill add some pics after i remember to take some.....


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