The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

nice morning

i went running this morning. it wasnt too cold. it was an enjoyable run. i listened to an audiobook and just ran. about 7.5-8 miles.

i have like 10 books lined up to read... so why am i wasting time online?

ok, im off to read!

funny student story of yesterday. i was reviewing 3 and 4 letter words with some elementary students. the cards are like : cut, cute kit, kite, tap, tape. teaching the difference with the "magic e"

well all was fine and dandy till one little boy read site. he messed up. and instead of saying site, he wanted to say sit. which came out with an sh sound at the beginning. so he is yelling the (what he thought was the correct) answer. over and over. then when he realized it was the wrong answer, (he didnt know what he was really saying) he just started laughing in uncontrollable laughter. it was so funny. i love seeing kids forget everything and just laugh. not a forced laugh, but a full out laugh. when they cant get a breath. when the other kids join in. and even i join in laughing.

kids are so refreshing sometimes!


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