The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

scary halloween stories, by first year junior high girls

Once upon a time, there was an old man. He likes candy. Halloween old man house not child coming. He is sad. He goes out of the house. He is looking for a friend. He goes to the park. He likes friend. but not have friend. He wants a friend.

Once upon a time, there was a hungry black spider. He look at a big bug. He sneaks up on the bug. He wants to eat the bug. He favorite dinner is butterfly. He is very hungry. He is eat bug!!!! He is very happy.

Once upon a time, there was a smelly mummy. Walk down the streets. He wants to find a friend. He has not friend. He is very smelly. But he is very nice. One day, a new mummy comes to his house. He and new mummy are good friend.

Once upon a time, there was a small black cat. Small black cat name is Neko. She likes cate food. Her master is a witch. She doesn't like witch. But the witch likes Neo. One day the witch was hungry. She had no food. She ate Neko. She says. I'm Sorry. But very delicious!

Once upon a time, there was a pink ghost. The ghost was sad. "I like candy! I want candy!" "trick or treat" A child came to the ghost house. "there you are!" The child is happy. The pink ghost is happy too.

Once upon a time, there was a scary vampire. Vampire likes blood. Vampire house coming to one woman. Vampire and woman talk. The woman is very scared. She wants to run away. "trick or treat" she says. "here you are" he says.

this was a really fun activity. I had 6 different papers all started with once upon a time there was a (and i chose character) and each student and i got one paper. we wrote a sentence to add to the story and then we passed the paper to the next person until everyone wrote one sentence to all the stories. then we read them aloud. so fun!

this week has been halloween. we started at my school friday. i dressed as a man. I made students a little nervous. the young ones didn't realize that it was me! now we have to more days of halloween! and only 2 more parent observations left! this is a good year. yes indeed.

on a side note, my MRI results came back decent. i am cleared to run and exercise again as log as i have no pain. if I have bad pain i need to go back to get some sort of injection. we will see. tomorrow is day one of jogging! lets hope i can!

pictures to come this week!


At October 28, 2008 1:45 PM, Blogger Cara said...

Great stories! You might have given me an idea... I know this activity but I haven't done it yet. Do you have any advice for teaching Thanksgiving to adults? I dont want to do activities that are corny cuz they're like... businesspeople. But I also don't want to lecture Thanksgiving and have no fun! Any ideas? I've got to fill an hour.

How are you otherwise?? You sound good!


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