The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Friday, April 11, 2008

the winners

the winners, yes i said winners..., of my question answering contest a few entries ago are: Cara and Erik. both have a great package in the mail to them. enjoy the little bit of japan love.

as for the people that missed out, dont worry, ill do it again! but not today...


At April 15, 2008 9:07 AM, Blogger Cara said...

Yay!! Thank you!! I am at this moment enjoying some Japanese Eurekese sugary goodness. :) I pretty much just inhaled a packet from the Pocky box. The package actually came Saturday but they left an absent message saying it wouldnt fit in the mailbox (??) and we can only pick up stuf the Tuesday after we get a note like that. Lame. So anyway, thanks! And it's yummy. I totally thought the rice one WAS candy too, thinking hmmm this is weird. But I get the pictures on the back that say to add egg and oil (and rice?) and that's about all I understand. Funny to imagine having to guess what packages say, if I lived over there! JT loved your poem by the way. Haha I just opened up the little square one and it's a mysterious green color...

At April 15, 2008 9:09 AM, Blogger Cara said...

Jen... haha what IS this green candy?


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