no work for 2 weeks!!!!!
je serai en france demain!
i cant wait! i am going to france tomorrow. i will be in france tomorrow! yeah!!!
i hope you all had a merry christmas! joyeux noel! メリクリスマス!!! i had a great christmas eve. i went to church, and after we went to tiger cafe. un de mes restaurants preferes. it was good. おいしいかた then we had a party at my pastors and his wifes house. it was nice. we ate a lot. had a gift exchange and talked. fun fun たのしかた
monday i worked/ i tried to be jolly. and i think it was ok. i didnt want to go, but i had no choice. after work, i met my roommate and we went to motogen. my favorite restaurant. we once again got free food. this time the owner asked me if i was single. hahah. i am if it gets me free food! haha
today i met up with kanako and jim in nagoya. it was fun and nice to see them again.
ok now its time for a post office adventure story. i went today to mail some packages. it was starting out badly, but fortunatly a man started translating for me. turns out he lives in the UK and is just in town to see his かぞく/family for the holidays. he ended up staying and helping me finish. i was so thankful. so was the post office.
i am almost finished packing my suitcase. i have a lot of stuff. most of it is gifts.... this is good cause it means ill have room to bring stuff back.
i am so excited to go to france but i know i am going to mix in some にほんご when i speak. je suis tres tres tres contente d'y aller! ahhhhhhh je peux voir tous mes amis!
ok back to packing. i hope you all have a happy new year. yeah for 2006. bring on 2007... year of the boar.

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