i love natto
How to eat natto
Nowadays, the natto product is packed in small plastic packages with soy sauce and mustard..
One pack is about 50grams.

Most popular way to prepare natto is as follows.
1. Please put natto into a suitable porcelain bowl.
2. Stir the natto with chopsticks or other suitable tool. Do not mash. Stir fast and well. (Not 1 hour, 60 seconds is enough:-p)
3. Pour the soy sauce and mix mustard.
4. If spring onions are available, it is recommended to finely chop these and mix in. Then put a spoon of natto on steamed rice and eat them together.

i love this food. i think i eat it everyday. wikipedia says "Foreigners in Japan trying natto for the first time generally tend to either love it or hate it." i think i fall under the love it category
not only is it good but according to wikipedia, i shouldnt get blood clots, cancer, thrombosis, dysentery...here read this...
now dont u all wish you were living in japan so you could eat this too? dont worry, if you come visit, ill buy you some! plus its low in calories and cheap.
natto... its whats for dinner... and breakfast and sometimes lunch haha.
Not sure what I think about that stuff! Looks kind of icky and bland. But - I guess I'll have to try it! Love you - Mom
You're sick Jen, sick I tell ya!
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