The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Monday, March 06, 2006



if you like michael may not want to continue.

ok now that thats said, i can tell you all that i just finished a movie by my favorite person in the world (note the sarcasm) michael moore. bowling for colombine. once again he didnt let me down. he had one sidedness and things taken out of context.

no wonder why my students think that the US is a dangerous place where everyone lives in fear and gets shot. all americans own guns. all high schools have school shootings. everyone locks their doors all the time..(but outside the US, Canada for example they dont have to worry.... becasue michael showed us that in the middle of the day, canadians dont lock their doors.) mchael moore... i like to leave my door wde open. in fact the first time i even had more than 2 locks on my door was when i moved to france. maybe you can make a documentary about that...

now i wont deny that there is a problem in the US with guns.... but i feel that this video doesnt really do anything but give negative images of the US. ALL americans are like this...EVERY american lives in fear. ALL americans lock their doors out of fear of getting shot. ALL americans have guns and sleep with them real close.

also if people see this and other movies by michael they believe that he is telling the truth? is he? or is he distorting the truth.. showing only what he wants.

i like how he is quick to point out that we have/make problems in other countries, but his films are not helping matters. i dont even want to begin on how many times i have had to explain to my students that what they see in michael moore films, or the media, is not a real portrayal of the US.

i dont know...but that man irritates me.


At March 06, 2006 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. Now that's what I call content. Sadly, people to follow what Moore says, even though he's all about the money. Here in Athens they basically worship the guy. People in Athens and universities should probably go out into the real world and get a job and discover their inner conservative, Moore has himself never had a real job. For the record, I own guns and have never shot anybody. Guns are not the problem, statistics show that gun restricting legislation only makes crime increase. Just my two cents and now back to being a cowboy. :]

At March 08, 2006 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to jen - hooray to you. i have seen bowling for columbine and my hat is off to you for being real about it. i miss you and im excited to see you this summer even though it means youre back in ohio and not in france.

to joel - long time, no see, very cool to see you putting your opinion on a blog entry like this one, you never disappoint. i miss you as well. in case you hadnt heard, dave will be back in ohio in late april, adam in early may. we will no doubt be planning something and you are cordially invited.

i miss you both, josh jones


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