The Adventures of Jen

This is your life - are you who you want to be?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

c'est pas grave

my house has a leak. and by leak i mean last night water was leaking into theresas room and this morning we had a flood. so i think i am going to move. this morning it looking like it was raining in theresas rooom: (please note there has been no rain outside during this leak) so there are just proble,s with the plimbing. great: i like paying 400 euros for a flooded musy house. i forgot to mention the heat didnt work either last night. so we moved everything out of theresa's room and prepared. i barely slept b/c we were paranoid all night: then this morning i awake to JEN JEN JEN AHHHHHHHHHHHH and i run to the other room and see that theresas room is soaked and the living room has started: (we called the land lord last night and he said there was nothing to worry about) so we called the landlord again. he came over and said. c'est pas grave (no big deal) then he asked for coffee and when we didnt havve any, started to smoke in right there. we told hi, to leave 3 times.

aparently now the house is ok::: but it still smells and we cant stay there for a few days. ugh; but i know this will be really laughable in a few days. i already laugh cause its so unbelieveable: so dont feel bad; i didnt put that on her to make people feel sorry for me, rather laugh along with me. i wish i woumld have taken pics to post.

to be cont...


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